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We presented our 1st cut presentation to the class and our teacher on the 25th of February as scheduled, however we had not finished filming all our scenes due to not being able to film for the reasons listed before. Despite this, we were still able to create a mood and effect with the scenes we had already shot, and our editing effects allowed this be continued as we used black and white effect, slowed down shots and sharpened some. We also started to add fade to black transitions. So far, we had 50 seconds worth of footage, which is the majority of the inside shots. We need to put these scenes in time with the music and shoot the rest of our scenes.The feedback that our teacher gave us is as follows...
From this feedback, we are going to make improvements by using more transitions such as dissolves to make variations. Also, we are going to make sure our images fit in well with the lyrics when editing. When we shoot our next and final scenes, we want to make sure we get into the 32-40 marks, so Paige and I need to make sure our shots are steady, frame the shots well and interesting - maybe more creative, use appropriate material and props/customes, select our locations well, edit for meaning (so our lyrics fit in with images, and there is continuity) and vary our captions and other FX. Unfortunately we do not have the original 1st cut, as when we uploaded our 2nd lot of footage, the first cut got over wrote by new footage! So we had to upload everything again onto Adobe Premier and re-edit.
For the first day of our filming, Paige and I planned to shot 19 indoors scenes in Dani's house. We started filming at 3 o clock, after we had got the customes, hair and make up completed. We started from shot 10, which we found easy to shot because it was a wide angle shot showing the bed and Dani standing next to it. We stood the camera infront of the window, so we had the natural light shining on Dani and the shot. For the next two scenes, 11 and 12, it was really hard to film because the windows reflection dis allowed us to see Dani and Jack through the window, for the time being me and Paige will have to re think the two shots. Scene 15 was a successful shot because we used a low angle camera view to look at Dani, looking at herself in the mirror applying make up. The lighting was also good in this scene as it light up Dani's face well. Scene 16 was okay, but will look better when slowed down, as Dani was ripping a shirt it looked too fast and hard, but slowing it down when editing will make it fit in better with the music. We positioned the camera opposite the side of the bed, so it wasn't too similar to shot 10. Using the voile curtains, and the fairy lights, Me and Paige created a dreamy effect in scene 17 with Paige and Jack. Although, the camera is quite shaky, so we may have to re film this, depending on our feedback. Shot 18 was really good, because we used an over the shoulder shot to show that Dani was shouting at Jack. We reversed this and looked over Dani's shoulder towards Jack shouting back but realised that, when editing, Dani's robe was coming off her shoulder so it did not look continious. We found difficulty in scene 20 because it was hard to do a tracking shot following Dani falling to the floor, so instead we chose to use a zooming in shot to Dani, then we are going to use the transition, fade to black, to see her on the floor looking up. This looks much more effective, and still flows. Me and Paige do not like the shots 25, 26 and 27 because of the prop. We did not have an old fashioned phone, so we used a modern one for the time being. When looking back on it, we decided we are going to re film, but with an old phone. The shots and angles are succesful however. The first day of filming was succesful, but we were unable to film at 19 indoor shots because we ran out of time- it was getting too dark. However we have got enough scenes to edit and to give a impression of the mood we are going to create in the first cut presentation. In the 2nd day of filming, we will re film any scenes we did not think were done well and film the rest !
This is a sample of the music we are using on the production called Cry Me A River by Julie London. We are stopping filming at 2 minutes and 18 seconds.

There are 4 different people shown in the production:Jack plays the role of the boyfriend, who breaks up with the singer. Jack is suitable for the role of the boyfriend as he has studied Drama so would not get embarrassed with acting and has a retro style. He is also reliable and a good friend to me and Paige, so we are confident he would not let us down.
Dani plays the role of Jacks girlfriend. She is the singer in the production, who lip synchs to parts of the song. Dani is also a Drama student so is able to act of different feelings well, and can listen to our directions. She is reliable and goes to our school, so we can discuss filming days with her easily. She is the owner of the red dress, and me and Paige feel she also has a retro look, as her hair can be styled various ways!
Paige is also filming and directing with me, but as she has blonde hair, we decided she would be ideal to use as the girl that Jack is cheating on Dani with, as there is a clear difference. She is a drama student, and as she is part of the team she is reliable. Paige will be using the camera, shooting each scene.
I (Lucy) will be directing each shot and reading the storyboard, as well as getting the planning ready with Paige such as props and customes. Me and Paige wll discuss each shot when we set it up through the camera, as it may not look right, we could have to think of a new shot quickly. I am a Textiles and English Language student so I have to have a creative flair as well as Paige, who is a Drama and Photography student.
We need to be prepared, so we have made a list of the props and customes we need to plan for the filming dates by looking through our storyboard...- Dani needs to wear a red dress, black fur coat, heels, in the outside scenes and a black silk robe in the indoor scenes. Her hair needs to be down and wavy, with a quiff to the side and noticable makeup
- Jack needs to wear a suit, with a bow or scarf tucked into the collar for the outside scenes, including the graveyard. His trousers could be ankle length to give the retro look. His hair will be gelled back in an old hairstyle. In the inside scenes he will be wearing a baggy retro jumper
- Camera, tape and tripod-Storyboards-Planning list-Camera (for ancillary tasks)- Teddy bear, Fluffy Hand Fan and Pillows for inside shot 10-Mirror, lipgloss for inside shot 15-Old mens shirt for inside shot 16-Hair scarf for inside shot 17 for Paige-Silk dressing robe for Dani for inside shot 18-Old phone for inside shots 25,26 and 27-Wine bottle for inside shot 29-Picture of Jack for inside shot 30
We have decided to use three locations in our production. The first location is inside, in Dani's bedroom. We have chosen to use her house because the natural light shines through onto her bed, and so we will get a better, lighter image. Also, her room is dated; voiles around her bed and small lights which make the room seem cosy, girly and friendly- a contrast on how she is appearing to feel. Her room is also cluttered, which makes the scene seem complicated and messy- just how she feels. The second location is Hartham feild in Hertford. This feild is large and has rivers surrounding it, as wel as lots of trees and bridges. Me and Paige thought this would be a ideal location to film Jack and Dani when they are in love as it shows clarity (large empty field) and is a romantic, classic and traditional location as they will only be interested in each other. The nature also relates well to the 1950s as they would of not had many clothing shops, or busy modern towns. Using a feild is an easy location as we do not have to gain permission and no one will be in our way of filming.
The third location is a cementry near our houses. We will be using this in the final two shots of Jack. They represent the storyline climax well as they are suprising and shocking that Dani has died. The graveyard is a scary, sad place- which relates well to the music storyline.
For our production to be successful and meet the deadline, Paige and I had to plan our filming and editing days. Once our animatic is filmed and can get Paige, Dani, Jack and Me together at the same time we will film the inside scenes first. We plan to film this on Monday 25th January. We are then going to edit these scenes- there should be 17 shots for the inside parts, but we will have to see how well we do with time, as we need to natural sunlight from the bedroom window to stay the same, otherwise some shots will have different lighting, and there will be continuity. Me and Paige have discussed that we will not be able to film the remaining outside scenes untill, unfortunately, Monday 8th March. The reasons for this is that it is hard to get the four of us all together at the same time- people have college/school at different times, working, work experience, university visits etc ! Me and Paige are confident we will get the video edited in one week to reach the deadline, as we will work on it during free periods and after school. During the rest of the time, we are going to prepare our ancillary tasks by making the improvements suggested. We can start cutting out the digipack and make the collage of Julie London, as well as getting the text for the digipack. Me and Paige will also be making planning lists for the next filming date, making sure we have props, customes, makeup and hair ready. As well as this, we will be working on the footage we have already filmed and matching the music to each scene. Our first cut presentation date is the 25th of February where we will show the inside scenes. The final cut presentation is the 15th March, which me and paige feel we will meet. The completion for the ancillary tasks is the 29th March; we will be working on these throughout February.