Monday, 12 April 2010

Final Magazine Advertisement

This is the final magazine advertisment for our production. Me and Paige took a new photo of Dani and Jack in the location we wanted ( the same as the first draft ) We had to ask permission in order to use this location, as it was private property in some ones garden. We simply explained what the photo was going to be used for and they said it was fine.
We changed the title from 'Late Night London' as it was not suitable. The new title is more understanding and makes the singer recognised. The title of the song is also here, and this relates to the digipack titles. We made the text bigger and took out some quotes as this was suggested in our feedback. Me and Paige used quotations from 'Hello' magazine because we are aiming towards a younger audience, more likely to be females than males. We did not want to advertise this in NME or Q magazine because the style of the music would not fit in with the style of these magazines. Our advertisement could also be seen in Glamour or Elle magazine which are read by younger adults, and the aesthetics of the ad would attract them to buy it.
Throughout we used black and white effect on Photoshop because this relates more to the old fashioned 1950's aesthetic wewas aiming to achieve. We decided to use this image, as the space in the location is well used- with Dani on the grass and Jack on the bridge. The models are central in the image. Their body language suggests love, as they are staring up to each other, smiling.

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