Thursday, 18 March 2010

2nd Day of Filming - 8th March

This was our 2nd of filming, and we aimed to get 10 indoor shots filmed and all the ourdoor shots filmed. We started filming at half 11, and got the outdoor shots of Jack filmed as we had to wait for Dani to finish school. We then filmed over Hartham, which took about 1 hour for the outside shots. Whilst we were trying to stick to our storyboard, we found this difficult, as we noticed that some of the shots were the same e.g. walking and holding hands. Me and Paige adapted these shots to our location- we used the Hartham Bridge to film low angle shots, and walking long shots. These were effective and give variety to our production. Also, we used long grass to film Dani in- but when playing this back, it was hard to see her lip-synching.
When filming the first couple of shots, we had to use continuity e.g. Dani walking towards Jack, and us filming her on the left side of Jack in shot 2. Also, in shot 3, we made sure that Dani walked towards the right of the tree, so in shot 4 Jack was standing to the left of her.
Although in our 2nd day of filming, we did not follow our storyboard completely, we used our creativity to adapt to our location and think of new varied shots. I feel that this was successful, and I am glad we did not follow our storyboard. From this I have learnt how important animatics are, as if I was to produce a storyboard again, Me and Paige would have to consider every shot, and vary them more.
We planned to finish filming all of out shots, and also re-filming some indoor shots that we were not happy with e.g. Dani throwing things around her room.
Unfortunately due to a really cold day (!) Dani and Jack wanted to film the next afternoon for the indoor shots, as they were too cold! As well as this, it was getting dark outside, and we wanted the natural outdoor light for the indoor shots.
Overall, our 2nd day of filming was succesful, as Paige and I got the majority of shots filmed. When playing back out footage at home the same night, the outside shots on the bridge (there were 3 different scenes) had been erased, so Me and Paige plan to go back to Hartham to re-film these the next afternoon for our final filming day.

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